Hybrid Solutions


Hybrid Solar Systems combine features of a Solar stand alone systems together with some other power source such as the grid, a diesel generator or any other alternative energy generation system. The function of Hybrid system can be described as either a grid tied system with power backup or conversely a stand alone system with utility power backup. The main concept of a Hybrid system is that it gives the possibility of using the energy generated by the solar panels even when the system is connected to the grid.

Such concept is applicable in a number of scenarios.  A backup system can provide uninterruptable power supply in areas where the utility supply is frequently interrupted.  For extended days without grid power, solar panels complete with battery management devices, guarantee that the battery bank is well maintained. Although independence from the grid supply can be obtained by adopting a stand alone system, the biggest advantage of the Hybrid approach is that the latter is considerably cheaper to implement due to the fact that the capacity of the battery bank can be downsized.

Another scenario in which a hybrid system is an attractive proposition is the concept of self-consumption.  In a grid tied system where either the feed in tariff is very low or where grid feeding is not possible, instead of exporting the excess generated energy by the solar panels, a hybrid system provides the option of storing the energy on site for later use. The decision of storing or not the excess generated energy depends on issues such as the battery capital cost (cycled batteries have a reduce lifetime) and the cost of grid energy.

The secondary energy source is used to cater for circumstances which cannot be serviced by the battery bank such as an insufficient stored energy. A typical example would be a scenarios where a diesel generator has been used as a primary source of power.  Combining such a system with a Solar Stand Alone System brings about a reduction in fuel cost that typically pays for the system itself. Moreover the power supply is more reliable since it is composed essentially of stored energy in batteries, and the generator being used as a backup where more energy is required than what can be provided by the Solar system.

Other applications could involve a stand alone solar system that due to increase requirements of the load requires additional energy.  In this case either an expansion of the Solar Energy system would be required or else a hybrid connection where the extra energy would be provided by the grid if available or by a diesel generator.

Hybrid systems are designed on a custom basis in view of the different application scenarios and individual customer requirements.

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